The school project is part of the global aims to provide basic education to all chidren.
Our school take an active part in attaining the millennium development goals.
We avail enabling learning environment to regular and disabled students to excell in all aspects and achieve their dream.
We look foward to having a well formed inclusive society, with mutual respect for all, through inegral formation in academic life, spiritual life and other aspects of life.
Background historyOur school take an active part in attaining the millennium development goals.
The Diocesan apostolate at St. Pamachius Inclusive Secondary School is a continuation of the proclamation of the Gospel in our times. At school we provide protection to some of the most vulnerable children, thus serving Christ in them (Mt. 25:36). Taking care of the marginalized and poor we take heed to the words of Jesus who cautions us not to ignore the need of our neighbours in need (Lk.16:19-21). As instruments in the hands of God, we welcome and bring all children to Jesus through the apostolate of the Church. Through the apostolate of our Diocese, the Church expresses its love to the beloved children, and bring them close to Him (Mt. 19:14).
Building a community that is properly educated with discipline and respect for all.
To be a diverse inclusive secondary school committed to academic excellence and integrity.
St. Pamachius Inclusive Secondary School offers Secondary education according to the curriculum by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology in Tanzania Additially pupils get good moral and human formation from Priests, Sisters and qualified Teachers.
As a religious institution we work to inculcate the desire to do things in a new and improved way to achieve better outcome.
Those who get a good education have more opportunities in their lives and tend to be healthier.
In this section you will be able to Download some important school documents to get started with us.
Click 👆 to download and carefully read the school rules and codes of conduct while on campus
Extra academic activities includes Sports, Music training (hobby). In the future we plan to avail other hobbies like drawing, tailoring and the like. Pupils are initiated in small project like fish keeping, chicken raring, and dairy.
Do you have any questions ? or clarifications ?, feel free to reach us.
Moshi-Tanzania (EA),
P. O. Box 1303
+255 682 667 967 (HEAD MASTER)
+255 652 664 642 (Accountant)